Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sylvia 2009

Today isn't the best day to write about my recent feelings of renewed energy because today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. But I'm hoping that writing down my resolutions in a public space will give me that "high on life" euphoria that I was just getting used to.

It's a new year, as everyone says. Time to start on everything you've been procrastinating on since you graduated college. I've stumbled to where I am now. Well, let's just say I haven't always stood steady. Perhaps this is due to my always hungry waistline and lack of abdominal muscles -- which seriously have been putting a lot of strain on my 27 year old lower back. Or maybe it's this office chair? Either way, if said abdominals were in shape, the chair wouldn't matter, right? Resolution #1: No more blaming inanimate objects. Also read: get ass to gym, no more excuses.

Resolutions #2 and #3 aren't fueled by nearly as much passion. I've been telling myself to get to the gym for years and it seems that 2009 is that last straw. But if my teeth are falling out of my head, what good is a smoking hot body? Worse, if I'm too dumb to realize that my health (including dental) is the most important thing to keep, then I shouldn't be allowed to have children, hypothetically speaking. Res. #2: Floss at least every other day, and Res. #3: Read for more time than you watch TV. Which doesn't mean to cut out TV entirely. I mean, seriously, who could live without their fix of a little Law and a little Order? And how would my cilantro pesto turn out if I didn't learn how to emulsify on my beloved Food Network? Reading, whether it be the newspaper, online news, or a good fictional mystery, keeps your brain sharp and your language skills in check. This I desperately need as I've noticed I've been stammering a little and even scrambling to find the correct words to finish my sentence. Maybe TV really does rot your brain.

So there they are, for all to see. I'll let you know how it's going.

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